
Using ultrasonography to plan towards your feed requirements at lambing

With spring only 4 weeks away, we thought it timely to highlight how pregnancy scanning can assist you to make the most of this crucial period in the farming calendar. Ultrasonography is a powerful tool allowing you to optimize your flock’s nutrition and ultimately improve lamb survival rates. And, it is much more accessible than…
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Navigating the sky: select a drone fit for your business

Welcome to the world of drones! One of the most frequently googled questions is 'What drone is the best to buy'? Just like cars, not all drones are the same, and they can be tailored to meet various business needs. Think of a drone as you would a car- there are a range of manufacturers…
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Drones Supporting Australia’s biosecurity Efforts

The NSW Government announced today that it is ramping up efforts to tackle rising feral pig populations across the state, providing a $8 million boost to help fund a new coordinated control program.Published 18th July 2023. Released by The Premier, Minister for Agriculture. With pigs hosting a number of endemic parasites and diseases, their…
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