[embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Q68OZWykUg[/embed] Level 1 - Introduction to drones in Agrculture Designed for land managers by land managers. This course shows you how to Setup and use your drone Control your drone and get it to return home Do basic maintenance and repair of your drone Collect and process farm data to make informed decisons in your…
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Navigating the sky: select a drone fit for your business
Welcome to the world of drones! One of the most frequently googled questions is 'What drone is the best to buy'? Just like cars, not all drones are the same, and they can be tailored to meet various business needs. Think of a drone as you would a car- there are a range of manufacturers…
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Bralca working with Riverina Farmers
Bralca pleased to be supporting farmers through Agskilled, run by the State and Federal govenments, showing them how technology can be used to boost productivity. Click the link below to view more. https://youtu.be/FvnZaWozk6U?t=370https://youtu.be/FvnZaWozk6U?t=370
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Farmers learn how drones can benefit their farming practices in the Northern Rivers
Hundreds of farmers have been given the chance to learn about how drones can benefit their farming practices in the Northern Rivers. A week of sessions is now underway across the region, and so far it’s seen the strongest interest in the state. Farmers learn how drones can benefit their farming practices in the Northern…
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