Tag Archives: Education

The importance of building your personal brand

The power of your personal brand can be underestimated. Whether you’re a manager or employee looking to upscale or a new entrepreneur pursuing a new project, having a personal brand is a huge asset. It's about managing and shaping perceptions about yourself, just as you would for a product or a company. By curating your…
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Creating Upstanding Leaders in Agriculture

It is important to have upstanding leaders in Agriculture. We form close relationships with both our team (who can often be relatives) and the local communities in which we work.
A Central West Local, Jessica Hickman is leading the way...

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Drone Training For Land Managers

[embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Q68OZWykUg[/embed] Level 1 - Introduction to drones in Agrculture Designed for land managers by land managers. This course shows you how to Setup and use your drone Control your drone and get it to return home Do basic maintenance and repair of your drone Collect and process farm data to make informed decisons in your…
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