As with any purchase, there are a range of influencing factors to be considered. In sheep & cattle operations it is ideal to have access to both the knowledge and equipment in a timely manner so you can ensure you meet the best outcomes for your enterprise. You need to be considering the adaptability of…
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Exploring Exciting Careers in Agriculture: Your path to success
Hey there, future land manager, agricultural enthusiast, or anyone considering a career in the world of agriculture! If you're on the brink of finishing school and wondering about your future, we've got some exciting pathways to share with you. Whether it's tending to a sprawling farm, working in agribusiness, or even owning your very own…
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How pregnancy scanning increases profits in a livestock trading business
Livestock trading is a fluctuating market, with pregnancy scanning proving useful in increasing profits. Pregnancy scanning ewes ensures you can better manage your reproductive performance and in hand, increase profits. “Major research shows that pregnancy scanning has a high return on expenditure for sheep producers, with scanning for multiples increasing potential profit by an average…
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Using ultrasonography to plan towards your feed requirements at lambing

With spring only 4 weeks away, we thought it timely to highlight how pregnancy scanning can assist you to make the most of this crucial period in the farming calendar. Ultrasonography is a powerful tool allowing you to optimize your flock’s nutrition and ultimately improve lamb survival rates. And, it is much more accessible than…
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